Saturday, May 1, 2010

This is the most radical custom built in 2010. Dubbed the KCosmodrive, the bike has won top honors at every bike competition it entered. While going beyond the technical boundaries of what a custom built is, the bike has many top honors to its credit.

kcosmodrive from garage65

This is the most radical custom built in 2010. Dubbed the KCosmodrive, the bike has won top honors at every bike competition it entered. While going beyond the technical boundaries of what a custom built is, the bike has many top honors to its credit so far and another jewel was added to its crown when it won in the freestyle category of AMD Championship of Bike Building held in Germany. This radically designed low rider bike is custom built by the 5’ini of Garage65 in Pisa, Italy. The bike features a very sophisticated hub-center steering system, TP 124 engine, Baker 5-speed transmission, Brembo brake calipers at each end, 16.5″ x 5″ wheels, and Moto GP-19 tires. Everything belonging to Kcosmodrive was handmade or one-off machined.

kcosmodrive from garage65akcosmodrive from garage65bkcosmodrive from garage65ckcosmodrive from garage65d

Via: Cyrilhuzeblog / Custommoto


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