Monday, May 24, 2010

Someone once challenged Mike Price, a New Zealander, that he couldn’t build a motorbike hearse. The automotive engineer took the challenge and created what comes out to be world’s first motorcycle hearse. Powered by the 1,350cc Harley-Davidson...

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Someone once challenged Mike Price, a New Zealander, that he couldn’t build a motorbike hearse. The automotive engineer took the challenge and created what comes out to be world’s first motorcycle hearse. Powered by the 1,350cc Harley-Davidson engine, Motorcycle Hearse incorporates a button pushing which the rig slides out the coffin at 90 degrees to let the pallbearers do the rest. On the other, there is a complex hydraulic system that helps stabilize the bike. Motorcycle Hearse needs two riders to take the deceased from place to place. The monster is 4.8 meters long, weighs around 600kg, has five gears and an adjustable underbelly cradle which is capable to carry up to 440 lbs.

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Via: Stuff / Autoblog


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