Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The ‘Cuda AAR-10 from the Racer X Design, a Malta-based company, is based on top of a 1970 Plymouth Barracuda, and keeps the basic lines that made the Barracuda one of the most sought after muscle cars of the 70s. Designed by Reuben Zammit of Racer.

cuda aar 10 concept

The ‘Cuda AAR-10 from the Racer X Design, a Malta-based company, is based on top of a 1970 Plymouth Barracuda, and keeps the basic lines that made the Barracuda one of the most sought after muscle cars of the 70s. Designed by Reuben Zammit of Racer X Design with the help of David J Meyer, Cuda AAR-10 is just an art work but the idea was to use a viper V10 as it is the most powerful Mopar unit available and is relatively light at the same time. Hence, the design is a modern muscle car.

Cheers Racer X Design Team

cuda aar 10 concept 1


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