Thursday, April 29, 2010

We all have seen Batmobile in many avatars and liked them all. But the one in Lego is equally mesmerizing. Well, this Lego Batmobile by 2×4 was initially a sedan that acquired tailfins, became automated and turned into a sleek street machine. The...

lego batmobile

We all have seen Batmobile in many avatars and liked them all. But the one in Lego is equally mesmerizing. Well, this Lego Batmobile by 2×4 was initially a sedan that acquired tailfins, became automated and turned into a sleek street machine. The inspiration for this Batmobile came from Batman – The Animated Series. On the other, a few changes have been made to the car between Batman and Batman Returns. This Batmobile looks like a skate board in size and shape but that’s only an assumption. Unfortunately, there is no info available whether it’s a working one or other technical details either. Nevertheless it’s enough to bind a Lego fanatic with Batman obsession.

lego batmobile 1 lego batmobile 2lego batmobile 3

Via: GW / Walyou


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